Las Vegas Car Accident
Attorney Law Firm

You deserve more than apologies when you get involved in a car accident and are injured by another person's negligence. You should receive medical attention, compensation for lost income, and emotional distress and deserve an opportunity to return to your everyday life. Catastrophic and severe car accident injuries could be life-changing, affecting your social, emotional, relational, and emotional life. The seasoned lawyers at Las Vegas Car Accident Attorney Law Firm are experts in Nevada personal Injury laws and are strong believers in integrity and excellence. Our mission is obtaining the best personal injury verdicts and settlements and, most importantly, happy clients across Las Vegas.

We take pride in understanding Nevada's vehicle laws that govern all car accidents in the state.

We are skilled attorneys who do not back down and passionately pursue liability cases against negligent defendants who cause injuries to others.



What Sets Us

At Las Vegas Car Accident Attorney Law Firm, we do not churn out cases, settling them for a fraction of the full value. That's why our lawyers are committed to protecting our clients' rights because we recognize how much injuries can adversely affect your life. We are committed to giving you the help you require so you can pay attention to what matters and return to your everyday life as soon as possible.

Our friendly staff is willing and ready to offer the legal representation and advice you require, regardless of the kind of injury sustained. We also work aggressively to ensure justice is served to all degrees with empathy and dedication. Finally, we communicate promptly and clearly throughout the case so you can always know what is going on: timely responses through emails, text messages, phone calls, or whatever method necessary to offer the needed attention.

Experienced, Knowledgeable, and Qualified Legal Staff

Hiring a proficient personal injury lawyer is a crucial decision that affects the case at hand and can have life-altering effects on you and your family. As a result, you should hire an expert who can walk with you throughout the case.

At Las Vegas Car Accident Attorney Law Firm, you can get a lawyer who can be accountable for handling and the direction of your case. Most law firms today, especially seasoned law companies, use case managers to handle or run cases. Although there are numerous able and intelligent case managers, a case manager isn't a substitute for having a lawyer advise and guide the client of their respective constitutional rights and the necessary steps to enforce and safeguard these rights.

For many years, we have selectively handled personal injury claims with passion and compassion for the enforcement and protection of our client's constitutional rights, commitment to service, and professionalism. Even if your case is resolved through settlement or proceeds to trial, we pride ourselves on your availability to stay in touch with our clients even several years after the case closes.

Usually, the journey starts with a phone call, text message, or email. When another lawyer, contact, loved one, a blog post, or a website refers a potential client to us, we will respond promptly and answer all questions and concerns.

Typically, it is better to seek legal assistance timely instead of the repercussions of a car crash causing the injuries. Unlike other legal practices, traffic accidents don't happen on anything or schedule that you could predict with certainty or regularity. Our able lawyers understand that potential clients might require help after or before regular working hours. As a result, you can always reach us at 702-576-0010 at any time of day or night. Our team will be glad to help you.

Our attorneys have many years of experience, knowledge, and skills in handling different types of vehicle-related personal injury cases. With a passion for justice, a client priority mentality, and proven outcomes, our friendly staff will do whatever it takes to strive for the best possible case outcome for our clients. While we might not call ourselves "experts," we have managed to realize justice and win for thousands of clients that award billions in compensation. For these outcomes, we have received recognition far and wide, including Top 100 Trial Lawyers. While we appreciate the awards and recognition, what is the most important is the reason behind them. They reflect the commitment, zeal, and hard work that we put into assisting you and your family get through what seems like the most emotional, terrifying, and challenging experience in your life.

Finally, if your personal injury attorney does not speak your language and you struggle to be on the same page as them, your case outcome will be affected. Las Vegas Car Accident Attorney Law Firm is a renowned Se Habla Espanol law firm committed to representing all car accident plaintiffs. One of our experienced Spanish-speaking lawyers will evaluate the case and advise you on what you require to file the claim and recover the compensation you deserve.

Meet Dallas Horton

Dallas Horton is a multi-lingual senior counsel at the Las Vegas Car Accident Attorney Law firm. He is a great team player who embodies and appreciates ethical implications and consideration of performing his job.

He is skilled in handling car accidents, wrongful death cases, and catastrophic injuries cases from the beginning to the end. He values the opportunity to help others especially, those frustrated by insurance companies, and is an empathetic and available advocate in trying times. Experienced in a wide range of successful legal strategies, Dallas Horton assists his clients in navigating the complicated legal process and getting a favorable case outcome.

He earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Economics from Texas Christian University in 1992 and later his J.D from Texas Tech School of Law. Since he acquired his professional license in 1996, he has handled more than fifteen thousand personal injury cases in Nevada and collected millions of dollars in damages for his clients. Additionally, he has trial experience in bench trials, jury trials, and mediation.

He is not afraid to take on complicated personal injury lawsuits and prides himself on previously handling cases before the U.S. District Court System and the Nevada State Court System.

This has earned him respect among his peers and clients, not forgetting achieving a Martindale-Hubbell AV Preeminent Peer Review Rating. The rating is reserved for legal counsels with proven qualifications, skills, and exceptional service in the industry.

We Make Home and Hospital Visits

Yes, we will come to you anywhere in Las Vegas if you have been injured and we think you have a viable case.

When you have been injured in a car accident, the injuries may hinder your everyday activities. And if you have been severely injured, you might be confined to your hospital room or home until you recover fully. The saddest part is that your personal injury claim becomes less valuable as days go by if you have not filed your claim. Luckily, if you are reading this, you can stop lamenting and contact us to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation at 702-576-0010.

We will come to your workplace, hospital, accident scene, or home to discuss your case. We will do whatever it takes to earn your respect and confidence and give you the support you deserve and require. It's our way of proving that your well-being is our priority. You can also email us your injury questions and concerns, and a skilled lawyer will get back to you timely.

Hospital and home visits can be scheduled within a couple of hours after speaking to us. Our legal team, investigators, and legal administrators will thoroughly explore your case facts and details. We can capture photos, locate witnesses, and acquire witness statements.

It is fundamental to document your injuries, property damage, and the accident scene following your accident. You can trust the team at Las Vegas Car Accident Attorney Law Firm with that. Since we focus on traffic-related accidents, we work closely with several expert witnesses, including accident reconstruction experts and economists who can evaluate the case and provide essential evidence, mainly if the case proceeds to trial.

We Work on Contingency Basis

As a seasoned personal injury law firm, we understand that most traffic accident victims and their loved ones don't have the social and financial resources to take legal action against the defendants. The Nevada courts have also recognized the latent injustice and thus allow attorneys to represent clients without the victims paying upfront fees. The agreement is called contingency fee agreement and hence the saying, "If you do not win, you do not pay."

At Las Vegas Car Accident Attorney Law Firm, we recognize the difficulties you face following negligent conduct and are devoted to protecting your constitutional rights and ensuring you acquire the degree of compensation you deserve.

How Contingency Fees Work

In layman's language, contingency fees mean you don't pay us anything for the legal services until and unless we get compensation on your behalf. If you fail to get any judgment or settlement, you owe us nothing.

Per the contingency fee agreement, our attorney agrees to handle your suit without asking you for the hourly rate or a retainer for the legal representation. Instead, we'll receive an agreed-upon portion of your final settlement amount. Also, in many contingency fee arrangements, your personal injury attorney will foot all costs vital to ensure that the case is determined in your favor.

Ideally, the attorney is loaning you the expenses, and you should repay the costs once your suit is closed. These costs include the following:

  • The cost of acquiring depositions from witnesses and other people with specific knowledge of your case facts
  • Cost of bringing the lawsuit with the court and serving notice of the lawsuit to the defendant
  • The cost of finding expert witnesses to give their opinions about the case facts and the expense of having the experts come to court
  • The expense of getting accident reports, among other documents related to building your case

We are believers in transparency, especially when it comes to our clients and attorney fees. Before you hire us, we agree on the ratio of all judgment or settlement amounts that constitutes our fees. That way, there will be no surprises, and you'll know the portion we ask for as a fee upfront.

Our legal counsels are also available to explain the settlement terms to you.

If you are looking for the best lawyer, Las Vegas Car Accident Attorney Law Firm can schedule your free initial consultation to evaluate and discuss your case. Contact our legal office today at 702-576-0010.

We are Serious About Your Success

When you succeed, we succeed. Therefore, we go beyond offering you legal advice. Our approach is first determining your legal goals. While we will consider your alternatives and rights, we take a holistic approach to your case to determine what works for you best. We are not believers in running up in associated fees or hours pursuing high-risk or unnecessary endeavors. We approach every situation as if you are our family member. 

One of the plaintiffs' complaints we hear is that they didn't comprehend what was happening as far as their case is concerned or why the case is taking too long to conclude. We understand that education is power, and it brings understanding. As a result, we prevent this by educating all clients on their rights, legal issues, possible case outcomes, related costs, and the legal process.

Another complaint we often hear is that attorneys don't answer emails or return calls. We're committed to keeping you updated on your case and will answer your calls at any time. We provide our phone numbers to all clients and potential clients. 

Finally, we take the responsibility to offer you world-class services thoughtfully. Due to the professional integrity and truth we have gained with other legal experts and judges over time, we're highly respected and regarded in the industry, which benefits you, our client.

We Use State-of-the-art Technological Advancements

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the globe, making lockdowns, remote working conditions, and social distancing the new normal. These extraordinary times have encouraged us to find better and new ways of doing things. While most individuals cannot leave the comfort of their homes, their legal needs don't stop. That is why we offer virtual consultations, online chats, and video conferencing to our existing and new clients. 

Our virtual consultation employs video conferencing technology that puts you face-to-face with our skilled lawyers, even though you are in different locations. You could use your phone or PC.

If you are a new client, we will run a comprehensive conflict check before the initial consultation, the same way we do before your face-to-face appointments. We will elaborate on whether your meeting is probing or offer legal guidance to be on the same page. Additionally, we will explain the scope of our legal services. Finally, we will send you a non-engagement or engagement letter that describes the lawyer-client relationship in writing following your initial consultation.

Do not worry if you are not confident with technology or have never used video conferencing technology. Our friendly and compassionate lawyers can take you through the entire process to ensure you take advantage of the services.  

To make the most of your virtual consultation:

  • Use a high-speed internet connection to get high-definition videos and clear audio,
  • Stay in a quiet place, and
  • Ensure your space is well-lit.

We Offer Our Legal Services 24/7

A personal injury could upset any person and originate from nowhere. One minute, you are doing well, and the next, life is adversely affected in a fraction of a minute. We understand that accidents occur at any time, and that's why our call lines are always open; to serve our well-esteemed clients when they require us the most.

Becoming accustomed to how the defendant's negligence can alter your life could prove hard. That is where we come in. We are dedicated to assisting you in jumpstarting the claim and obtaining the compensation you deserve.

A personal injury claim is complex, but the earlier we start collecting evidence in your car accident case support, the stronger the case. There is peace of mind in knowing that your claim is in good hands. We have the experience, commitment, and drive to assist you. Call us today to learn your constitutional rights and available options.

Proving Negligence in Personal Injury Claims

Negligence means that the at-fault person did not act with reasonable care that a rational individual in similar circumstances would use. In other words, the negligent party's deviation breached the legal duty that results in or is the proximate cause of the plaintiff's injuries and harm.

To file your personal injury lawsuit, you should establish that the defendant was negligent and caused your injury. The following elements should exist in the negligence case for your claim to be binding:

  • Duty of care is the responsibility to avoid injuring another person or putting them at risk of danger. Every person owes some measure of care towards others. Usually, the only questions are who the duty of care is owed and how broad it is if there is a duty. For instance, all drivers must adhere to traffic rules and prevent car accidents from happening.
  • There exists a breach of duty — It happens when the accountable person does not exercise reasonable care or act in a way that a prudent individual would have under similar conditions.
  • Causation — It's determined by whether the accused's conduct or inaction caused injury to the plaintiff. You should prove that the at-fault party's negligence was the primary reason for your damages and that this wouldn't have taken place if the at-fault party had behaved differently. Also, a person might have acted negligently, but you can only recover if the negligence caused your injury. For instance, it is unfair to take legal action against a driver who was texting and driving for an unrelated fender bender that occurred across the street.
  • Damages — The last element is proving that the defendant's conduct caused you to suffer actual damages. The damages could include property damage, loss of income, pain, and suffering, and medical bills.

Methods of Proving Negligence

If you sustained injuries in a collision caused by another person's negligence, your case would depend heavily on the proof gathered. While you should seek immediate medical attention, you are left with less time to collect evidence.

Do not despair. That is what the Las Vegas Car Accident Attorney Law Firm is all about. While you take care of your well-being and health, we will gather evidence that supports your personal injury claim. Once you contact us, we will immediately start collecting evidence before it disappears.

In other words, we can do the following to prove the defendant's negligence:

  • Obtain police reports
  • Interviewing witnesses and using witness statements
  • Engaging expert witnesses
  • Capturing photos of your injuries, skid marks, property damage, and debris in the accident scene
  • Using your medical report
  • Proving the defendant violated traffic laws
  • Using statements where the defendant admitted fault

Different Types of Damages You Can Qualify for in Your Car Collision Claim

The amount of money you receive as compensation for the defendant's intentional, negligent, or reckless conduct is called damages. Generally, there are two main types of damages. It is essential to know them so you understand your rights in the personal injury claim.

  • Non-economic damages — Typically, these damages stem from the at-fault party's wrongful conduct. There is a clear relationship between the defendant's conduct and the plaintiff's injuries. They are not easy to place a dollar value on. They include emotional distress, pain and suffering, disfigurement, physical impairment, and reduced life quality. Factors that might help determine the amount awarded include your lawyer's skills and your injury's severity.
  • Economic damages — These damages are out-of-pocket expenses established by adding up all the quantifiable financial losses you have suffered. They include lost wages, loss of earning capacity, medical bills, and property damage. It would help if you established the expenses with specificity. For instance, you can use your medical records or pay stubs to recover medical bills and lost income, respectively.

You also recover punitive damages to punish a defendant whose conduct in your car accident case is egregious.

If you or a loved one has sustained injuries in a car accident, we invite you to call us. Our attorneys will advise you on what damages you are eligible for and fight to get your total compensation.

Practice Areas

Not all personal injury lawyers are equal. The right personal injury attorney to take your case should be experienced in handling cases within your practice area. For many years, our legal advocates have been committed to learn as much as possible about car accident claims and have everything you need for a robust claim of damages.

Discussed above are some of the traffic-related accident claims we accept. If you fail to see your car accident type on the list, don't hesitate to contact us at 702-576-0010 for more information.




I had a terrible accident and my case was handled by Dallas Horton. They got me what I deserved and am happy with my settlement. They went above and beyond.

Angel G.,

Las Vegas Car Accident Attorney Law Firm handled my case after my accident. Horton and the staff are knowledgeable and professional and explained the whole process. I highly recommend this law firm.

Joseph D. ,

Dallas Horton is the best personal injury attorney. He got me the most money possible after my accident.

Samantha P.,

Do Not Hesitate Contacting Us

When seeking a car accident attorney, you require a lawyer with proven results, resources, skills, and experience to fight for your rights. That is what you obtain with the Las Vegas Car Accident Attorney Law Firm.

We have many years of experience representing car accident-related accident victims. We have recovered a significant amount of dollars in trial verdicts and settlements for our clients. That means we could settle your car accident claim for considerably more money and faster. Our mission goes beyond recovering the highest compensation amounts for our clients. We aim to treat all clients with respect, care, attention, dignity, and compassion. As a result, we leave no stone unturned, work extremely hard, and marshal our skills, dedication, and experience to get our well-esteemed clients the most favorable case outcome.

Call us today at 702-576-0010 for your initial, no-obligation consultation. We will be glad to help you.

Our Services